A warm summer afternoon, an enchanted forest adorned with wood-carved statues that serve as works of art for an alternative museum, verdant meadows in the distance and many flowers coloring them, a light breeze brushing your hair, water crashing over large stones and giving small icy splashes on your skin, a moment of complete relaxation among bales of hay and a mouth-watering snack: all this is Beauty on track.
An experience to discover the beauty that surrounds us. A walk divided into three stages each characterized by a different way of expressing beauty.
The first part will take place along a particular path where art will be the master: here, different sculptures will alternate with green leaves, mosses, stones and tall trees. We will discover the beauty of the "Via delle Vidi" an exhibition set up between the forest and the open sky.
We will then move on to the second leg of our journey: the beauty of nature. A look at the natural "puddles" created by the "Bedù," the river with crystal-clear waters of the Borzago Valley that flows forming real natural pools, a magical place to refresh ourselves and observe closely the masterpiece created by nature.
Finally, as a conclusion to our walk we will have a moment of relaxation in the shade of an old walnut tree discovering what will be the ultimate beauty: our own. We will take care of the skin of our face with the help of organic cosmetics "Mountain Beauty" produced within the organic farm la Loera. We will be able to observe firsthand the fields where blueberries and red currants, the ingredients behind these cosmetics, are grown. This last part will be a pampering all to ourselves, a time to recharge our batteries.
We will test and touch these cosmetics while sipping refreshing drinks and indulging in a snack with products from the organic farm "la Loera".