S. Giuliano
38080 Caderzone It
Two little lakes, a refuge and a little church in an idyllic setting where San Giuliano is said to have retired to a hermit’s life. Notice the numerous granite boulders in the area (some of the largest are popular for bouldering) and put a little stone in your pocket: according to one of the legends around the saint, it will protect you. The refuge - built out of stone in a fascinating, isolated glacial basin at 1,956 metres above sea level and owned by the Caderzone district council - was recently renovated employing eco-sustainability criteria. Open: Beginning of June to September, in May and October only weekends. Before leaving for your hike, always contact the manager to verify the actual opening of the mountain hut Walks From the San Giuliano and Garzoné lakes you can walk up to the Bocchette dell’Aqua Fredda where you’ll have a sweeping view of the Brenta Group (1 hour, difficulty E); from there you can return to the valley passing the Lago di Vacarsa and Malga Campostril. It’s a roughly 45-minute walk (difficulty E) to the Malga Germenega di Mezzo and the little Germenega lakes.
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