The discreet charm of wilderness characterizes this pair of high-altitude lakes. Reachable by car, they can become the starting point for more demanding routes.
A wild and lonely place but not for this reason desolate. How to say: high altitude nature at its best. Near the refuge of the same name, easily reachable by car along the Val Nambrone road, the Cornisello lakes welcome visitors at the bottom of a valley circus located at an altitude of over 2,000 metres and surrounded by the Giner, Bon, Cornisello and Om de l 'Amola peaks. Walking along the dirt roads and the nearby path, you can discover two bodies of water (Upper and Lower Cornisello) with a curious milky colour. Following more challenging hikes you will be able to reach the overlooking Lake Nero, at an altitude of 2,250 meters through the sat 238 trail, and Lake della Vedretta, located at 2,650 meters and connected by the sat 239 trail.
The suggestion of a wild and high altitude place.
Opening and closing times
Opening times:• from April to November 2025, from Monday to Sunday